
Splice rape scene
Splice rape scene

The blobs proceed to have sex with each other and everyone's happy because of a magical protein or something.

splice rape scene splice rape scene

Unpleasant Hipster Boy Scientist and Unpleasant Hipster Girl Scientist have a wonderfully stupid CSI Fake Science montage (Oh Noz! Computer says: Red Light, violation of God and Man no work! Yay! Now computer says: green light, abomination is very yes!) in which they Splice together all sorts of different animals (supposedly none of which have any predatory or dangerous characteristics, but you know that science! Always flipping out and making monsters) to make two gross blobs that are a new life form. If you like my snarky rants, you'll want to click. Nevertheless-this review deals with the actual plot of Splice, which is FUCKED UP, YO. But I hate cuts, too, because most of you won't click on it, so I might as well friends-lock the whole thing.


What is a movie review for if not to analyze what happens on screen? And because of all this, I haven't seen a single review of Splice that deals with the INCREDIBLY UPSETTING final act, even though it's not a twist ending or anything, and I know a whole lot of people who would prefer to know going into an SF film if there is going to be something that awful and dare I say triggering in it.Īnd yet, I'm going to yield and put my review under a cut, because if I didn't I'd have comments howling about spoilers and I don't want to deal with it. If you know the ending of The Sixth Sense going in, it's somehow a failure as a film. Especially because it implies that the only worth of a movie or book is the shock value in a turn of plot, nothing else. How can you engage with the text without acknowledging anything within it? It's infuriating. It hamstrings the review to not be able to directly discuss any of the actual events that take place in the movie.

splice rape scene

One of the things that really bothers me about movie reviewing these days is that it's conventional wisdom that you cannot spoil the movie in the review, even though it would be ridiculous for the spoiler-wary to go seeking out reviews before seeing the film.

Splice rape scene